Your baby is on the move. He/she just learned to rollover, sit
up, or crawl. Without realizing this, they are a danger to
themselves. Bookshelves, bathrooms, and electrical outlets can
all cause extreme injury or even death. So follow these baby
safety tips for keeping your baby safe, and make sure that your
home and your baby are as safe as possible.

You need to get down on your baby's level. Things that you
wouldn't expect can be dangerous. See what they see, and make it

Change the way you think. Look at what's around your baby and
think what could happen--worst possible scenario. Could my baby
pull something down on him$%: Are there any cords he could pull$%:
Any electrical outlets, or corners of tables that he could fall
into and hit his head$%:

Most recent copys

If, for example, you're cleaning your house and the phone rings,
don't leave your household cleaners in reach of your baby.
Sometimes we can get distracted, but just being distracted for
even a second could possibly make the difference between life
and death.

Be alert during stressful times of the day. When you're getting
all the kids off to school, or running late for an appointment
you can get distracted. Don't forget to close the baby gate to
the stairs, or strap the baby in the highchair. You know your
busy schedule.

Do not leave your baby alone in the house at any time. Don't
ever leave your baby alone in a room, unless you have a playpen
or a crib. Even in these instances, only leave your baby alone
if you have to. As safe as cribs and play pens are, the baby
can rock the play pen and tip it over, causing possible injury.
If the baby can pull himself up, he can lean too far over and
flip out of the crib. Only leave baby alone in cribs or
playpens while sleeping, and only if you have a baby monitor so
you can hear when they wake up.

Other models

Make a place for your baby that is completely baby proof so he
can have freedom to explore. Freedom to explore gives your baby
the chance to learn and feel different textures. Babies learn
from there mistakes, so try to refrain from hovering over them
and being over protective. Babies and toddlers are going to get
hurt. Your job as a parent is to prevent your baby from the
major, serious injuries.

Know what to do in case of an emergency--accidents are bound to
happen--but knowing what to do in case of an emergency can save
lives. Know your emergency numbers. You can even take CPR and
Heimlich maneuver classes locally in your area. Better safe
than sorry, I always say.

Follow these safety tips and you will find you can make your
baby safe in a house full of danger. Remember you can't prevent
all accidents, but when it comes to baby safety you can prevent
the majority of them.


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